Driving in Hungary
Right-hand traffic
Please remember to drive on the RIGHT side of the road!
These must be worn at all times in front seats and rear as well, if fitted.
Car documents
It is compulsory that you carry your Driving License, your Passport and Vehicle Registration Documents (Green book) with you at all times.
The Vehicle Registration Document must NOT be left in the vehicle.
Drink & drive
There is a strict Zero Tolerance (0.00%) policy to alcohol in Hungary. No degree of alcohol is allowed in the blood whilst driving – not even one glass of wine or beer!
Speed limits
A network of traffic cameras has been installed on major roads and junctions throughout Hungary and especially in Budapest. These record a variety of traffic violations (speed limit violations, illegal highway use, overtaking or U-turns, traffic light violations) which are automatically processed by the Police making the actual driver of the vehicle liable for all violations.
30 kms / hr - railway crossings
50 kms / hr - urban areas
80/100 kms / hr - M0 highway (Budapest exterior ring road)
90 kms / hr - rural highways
110 kms / hr - rural expressways
130 kms / hr - freeways / motorways (marked with an M)
Please note that the speed limits shown above is a general guideline only.
Please observe variable speed limits as listed on the indicator boards on all roads and motorways.
Cell phone usage
Making phone calls or texting while you are driving is illegal unless you use a headset or the device is connected to the vehicle’s speaker system.
Being stopped by the Police whilst using a mobile without a head set/speaker system connection attracts a fine on the spot.
No under 12 years old allowed in the front seats – all children under 12 years old (or up to 150 cm / 4.9 ft tall) must be secured into child safety seats / boosters.
Head lights
The use of headlights is compulsory on rural roads (outside of urban areas) even in daytime.
Driving in towns
Beware of restricted streets.
Give way to pedestrians crossing the road at Zebra Crossings. Please note that pedestrians are always have the right to pass first unless they are being stopped by a red light.
Also give way to pedestrians crossing the road when turning left or right - even when you’ve been given a green light!
It is imperative that you GIVE WAY TO TRAMS and passengers getting on and off when there is no safety island at a tram stop.
As in other continental countries – a yellow diamond means you have right of way, and a black line through it means you don’t.
Parking: Parking restrictions are generally in force Mon-Fri 08:00 - 18:00 (or 20:00 in downtown Budapest). Some downtown streets you also need to pay for parking on Saturdays and Sundays as per street signs! Illegally parked cars will either be clamped or towed away.
Strictly NO TURNING RIGHT ON RED LIGHTS under any circumstances.
Before turning, you should use the blinker when approaching the intersection.
Driving on motorways
Every motorway in Hungary is a toll road. To travel on the motorways outside of Budapest (including the M0 ring road) you need authorisation in the form of an electronic vignette / ticket, which can be purchased at all border crossings and most gas stations and post offices.
You will be advised, if any of the locations we are shooting at falls under the requirement of a motorway sticker.
Having a valid electronic highway vignette / ticket for self-drive cars is the driver’s responsibility. If you are planning a personal journey and are in any doubt if you need a vignette, please consult the Transport Department in advance of your journey.
10-day ticket (national): HUF 3,500
1-month ticket (national): HUF 4,780
1-year county ticket (applicable for only one county): HUF 5,000
Half year ticket (national): HUF 28,680
1-year ticket (national): HUF 42,980
Details of the vignette / electronic ticket purchase will be logged and checked electronically against your car’s registration plate.
Vehicle crime is on the increase - please employ common sense and never leave anything visible or valuable in your car when unattended (especially your driving license, green (registration) book and GPS unit).